Legal information
The Little Trains of the Gulf
703 Route Nationale
83310 Grimaud - France
04 94 43 90 22
SARL with a capital of 20 000€.
831 094 222 000 13
Director of publication: Raphaël Gaudet-Trafit
Host : OVH
SAS with a capital of 10 069 020 €.
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix - France
Intellectual property rights
This website is an original intellectual creation that is protected by copyright. Its content is the intellectual and / or industrial property of the company Les Petits Trains du Golfe. Any person who will infringe the property rights attached to the various objects of this website is guilty of the crime of forgery and is liable to criminal penalties provided by law.
Notice on the use of cookies
A cookie is a small computer file, a tracker. It allows to analyze the behavior of users when visiting a website, reading an email, installing or using a software or a mobile application.
Personally, the company Les Petits Trains du Golfe does not use cookies and does not collect/store any personal data. However, we share our social networks on our website and said social networks use cookies. To oppose the use of cookies, a setting banner appears on the homepage of our site, you just have to click on the mention "I refuse". The period of validity of the consent given in this context, by law, is thirteen months maximum. On our site, the validity period of your answer is one month, in case of acceptance or refusal.
Information on the use of personal data
We remind you that the company Les Petits Trains du Golfe does not use cookies and does not collect/store any personal data.
Contact form information:
- They are not kept in any file and have no commercial purpose. This information is only used to contact customers to follow up on a request for information.
- The only purpose of the mandatory nature of the answers is to ensure a more relevant and rapid response to your request.
- This information is processed internally, in our company, by our communication officer or the company managers.
- As explained above, we do not collect your data in a customer file but if necessary you can assert your right of opposition, access or rectification in accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, revised on June 1, 2019. To do this or if you want more information, thank you to contact us by phone, email or mail.
- In case of dispute, you have of course the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.